Will Jamison

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NYC Health + Hospitals/Harlem
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Willie James Jamison, Jr. AKA Junenie

Was the 4th child of Richardean Moody (Bamberg, SC) & Willie J. Jamison, Sr. (Denmark, SC) both from Bamberg County, South Carolina.

They moved to New York City in the 1940’s and proceeded to have Willie Jamison Jr. and his 7 brothers and sisters. He had a wife named Carol and a daughter named Naomi Jamison who moved to Brazil in South America in the early 1970’s.

Willie Jamison Junior was a high school graduate (Bronx, NY) and college educated. His father died in Brooklyn in 1959, and his mother was murdered in the South Bronx in 1973. His mental health deteriorated after his mother’s passing and he eventually became an extreme introvert. By 1983 he was extremely disheveled in appearance and his address became unknown. He would make a presence to various family members once per year between the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. He was last seen in Manhattan in the fall of 1991, by one of his nephews who reported that his condition was grave and he was not in possession of his full mental capacity.

As one of his other nephews, I recently lost my mother (his big sister) and choose to attempt to locate all surviving family members – or the final resting places of those no longer with us.

Rest-In-Peace Uncle Junenie
Willie James Jamison, Jr. (39)
19 January 1952 - 23 December 1991

His Mother (my Grandma Richardean) had 10 children, 8 of who survived childbirth.
Listed in order of birth.

1. (1947-2018) *Alwillie
2. (1948) Earl
3. (1950) Stanley
4. (1952-1991) *Willie Jamison Jr.
5. (1953) Bruce
6. (1956-1986) *Richard
7. (1957-1996) *Debra
8. (1958) Rosalyn

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